Something I thought I’d like to film.


Not exactly unrequited love, but being unable to put down the thought you want to put down.

Target Emotions:

  • Regret
  • Not wanting other people to see your thoughts
  • Writers block
  • Nostalgia


  • MC
  • LI

Act 0


  • Present the central theme of the letter — there’s a lot of tension packed into the letter itself.

Shot Ideas:

  • Past - LI taping up a letter onto a wall of dispos — cherishing this letter
  • Present - LI clutching the letter closely, rocking back and forth

Act 1 - Setup


  • Describe the main character through a warm rool and his tools (mine is lame lol)
  • Capture the frustration and writers block.
  1. Black: clock ticking.
  2. Set the scene
  3. Wide shot (of character): Click of the pen
  4. Macro shot: Start writing: “Hey, X” - Cut before the first letter is written
  5. Black
  6. Medium shot: Top down on desk
  7. Get laptop, and notebook and put in bag and leave

Act 2 - Conflict

  1. Walking into a coffee store
  2. Ordering coffee but in an unconfident way
  3. Character shot: frame the character
  4. Trying to type but bouncing around
  5. POV Shot: staring out at crowds and couples
  6. Close the laptop

Act 2.1 - Growth

  1. POV: Open up a notebook.
    1. Pause over the ripped out pages
  2. Keep flipping to a clean page
  3. Callback shot: “Hey X”
  4. Montage:
    1. Coffee Shop
      1. Multiple sheets of paper
        1. Somehow more previous shots of time and seasons
      2. half eaten pastry
        1. asdf
    2. Montage of past letters
      1. Mailing
      2. Opening letters
      3. Passing a letter at a dinner table
      4. Reading it at bed side
  5. Fold it up - slowly… as if it is final
    1. Exhale


Act 3 - Resolution

  1. Close: check the letter is in the pocket - put it back in
  2. Muni shot:


  1. Coffee store
  2. Jacket on back