Something I thought I’d like to film.
Not exactly unrequited love, but being unable to put down the thought you want to put down.
Target Emotions:
- Regret
- Not wanting other people to see your thoughts
- Writers block
- Nostalgia
- MC
- LI
Act 0
- Present the central theme of the letter — there’s a lot of tension packed into the letter itself.
Shot Ideas:
- Past - LI taping up a letter onto a wall of dispos — cherishing this letter
- Present - LI clutching the letter closely, rocking back and forth
Act 1 - Setup
- Describe the main character through a warm rool and his tools (mine is lame lol)
- Capture the frustration and writers block.
- Black: clock ticking.
- Set the scene
- Wide shot (of character): Click of the pen
- Macro shot: Start writing: “Hey, X” - Cut before the first letter is written
- Black
- Medium shot: Top down on desk
- Get laptop, and notebook and put in bag and leave
Act 2 - Conflict
- Walking into a coffee store
- Ordering coffee but in an unconfident way
- Character shot: frame the character
- Trying to type but bouncing around
- POV Shot: staring out at crowds and couples
- Close the laptop
Act 2.1 - Growth
- POV: Open up a notebook.
- Pause over the ripped out pages
- Keep flipping to a clean page
- Callback shot: “Hey X”
- Montage:
- Coffee Shop
- Multiple sheets of paper
- Somehow more previous shots of time and seasons
- half eaten pastry
- asdf
- Multiple sheets of paper
- Montage of past letters
- Mailing
- Opening letters
- Passing a letter at a dinner table
- Reading it at bed side
- Coffee Shop
- Fold it up - slowly… as if it is final
- Exhale
Act 3 - Resolution
- Close: check the letter is in the pocket - put it back in
- Muni shot:
- Coffee store
- Jacket on back