Somehow the idea of doing a film project is really scary, how will you ever finish? But if you just block out one day for it, start to finish… everyone has one Saturday free right?

Ahead of Time


  • Train
    • Film on the caltrain or the bart… downside if you wanted to get a particular shot, such as main character seeing the bay, there’s only a few runs you can get that on.
    • Where as if it was a NYC subway, you basically have infinite takes
  • An afternoon in the golden gate park
  • Mission District
  • Marina
  • Random ass trails and hills
  • Twin Peaks, a view over SF that’s decently secluded

Things I want to focus on

  • New grad finding yourself drama
  • The concept of the inner flywheel and routine
    • I want to tell the story of trying to build and diverge from your routine
  • I want to tell the story of tension between yourself, and a particular friend, or group of friends

What is the instigating plot point?

  • The old box of memories
  • Thrift shopping?
  • A particular song?
  • Biking?
  • Wiping out on a longboard?
  • Interacting with a stranger on a muni? an awkward interaction?
  • Tension between strangers!!!


  • An afternoon at the DMV deadass

Absotely fire lines:

  • If I could have stayed I would have
    • Saying you’ve tried everything you know, and it’s time to move on
  • Is that ok?
    • Asking if what you’re doing is enough for them
  • It’s all that country air
    • Getting at something that is affecting them

Things to go see with friends or maybe submit to
